“Do it myself! One of my first sentences ever spoken, according to my mom.
I remember as a toddler, I often pretended I could write. Scribbling away for hours on end. Mumbling, singing. When out of pages, I continued in the bathroom, leaving toilet rolls full of meaningless pencil strokes for others to read. To me they were stories and songs.
No wonder my mom put me in an elementary school where arts and languages where the main focus. As a teen, I also took dancing classes. I was aspiring to go to the Academy of Small Arts. But by the time I took an interest in boys, well, let’s just say I gave away my power and suppressed my aspirations. A very dark period of my life. It took the birth of my daughter to realize I'm the writer of my own life story. It took the dying wish of my father to regain the power to actually do so. I found true love, started singing and dancing again and made a career for myself as a projectmanager. Taking care of my children and friends.
But that urge to write my own stories and songs never left me. It took a pandemic to jolt me into creating my first EP. ‘Loving Nature’. Synths to drown in, beats to dance to and aural landscapes to dwell in.
And I did it all myself.”