Creating the debut

“Some songs were written in the exact moment they describe. Deep emotions translated into lyrics, melody and harmony on the spot. I have no way of explaining how that works. Other songs originated from audio snippets I record regularly during delicate moments in life. Like this blackbird that sang a prelude every lockdown day. It was so soothing and eery at the same time. I love to deconstruct and manipulate audio until new rhythms, harmonies and melodies reveal themselves. Other times, like with Untamed, I created a movie scene in my head and composed to it, using my voice and objects around me to create weird textures and connect the song to my surroundings. I loved that proces. Something I definitely want to keep exploring.”

To check my mixes and get some feedback from the pro’s, I went to Wisseloord Studio’s. Looking back, I can’t believe I did all this. I have learned so much in the proces and I am looking forward putting all that knowledge into my next project, taking this creative proces to the next level.”

Set up making the debut: Ableton Live 10, Novation Lauchkey 49, MicroKorg XL+, Roli Seaboard Block, Akai MPD 218 MKII, Akai APC40, Scarlett Focusrite 18i8 audio interface, AKG Perception 220 mic, Yamaha HS7 monitors, Sennheiser HD6 mix headphones.